Visitor Resources
Digital Guides

All areas of the Bowers Museum are wheelchair accessible. Wheelchairs may be requested at the time of your visit from the security officer at the Museum's entrance.
Complimentary admission will be given to caregivers who are accompanying a visitor with accessibility needs.
Agents of Discovery

Agents of Discovery is an augmented reality app that gets you active and engaged in learning about the world around you. With Agents of Discovery, you become a top-secret Agent, dedicated to solving mysteries about science, culture, technology, history, nature and much more... Download the app and the Mission you want to play BEFORE heading out. Once these have been downloaded, the app does not require any data or WiFi to run.
Audio Guides

Come with us and explore the remarkable cultural artifacts that are part of the Bowers' collection. Enjoy interesting stories and commentary as you journey through time to experience the creativity, innovation and history that the museum offers. Deepen your understanding of world cultures and traditions as you learn about our diverse heritage. New material will be added periodically to this tour, produced by Acoustiguide, sponsored by the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, and developed by the museum's curatorial staff. The audio tour is offered in three languages: English; Spanish; and Mandarin. This audio guide is a simple and educational way to relax and enjoy your own itinerary to see selected pieces that represent 'the world's finest arts and cultures' at the Bowers Museum.

Ven con nosotros y explorar los artefactos culturales notables que forman parte de la colección de Bowers. Disfruta de historias interesantes y los comentarios como usted viaje en el tiempo para experimentar la creatividad, la innovación y la historia que ofrece el museo. Profundizar en el conocimiento de las culturas y tradiciones del mundo a medida que aprende sobre nuestra herencia diversa. Nuevo material se añadirá periódicamente para esta gira, producida por Acoustiguide, patrocinado por la Fundación Margaret A. Cargill, y desarrollado por el personal curatorial del museo. El tour de audio se ofrece en tres idiomas: inglés, español y mandarín. Esta guía de audio es una manera sencilla y educativa para relajarse y disfrutar de su propio itinerario para ver piezas seleccionadas que representan 'los artes y las culturas más finos del mundo' en el Bowers Museum.

本語音導覽由寶爾全體策展人員開發,Acoustiguide公司製作,瑪格麗特•嘉吉(Margaret A. Cargill) 基金贊助。新的資訊會定期增加,提供英文、西班牙文和中文(普通話)三種語言的導覽。本導覽用簡單但富有教育意義的方式,讓您的博物館之行輕鬆愉悅,令您在寶爾博物館為您精心挑選的各類展品中體味"世界各地最優秀的藝術及其文化"!

Click here to view an All-Access Pre-Visit Guide with clear instructions and images of what to expect during your visit.
All areas of the Bowers Museum are wheelchair accessible. Wheelchairs may be requested at the time of your visit from the security officer at the Museum's entrance.
Complimentary admission will be given to caregivers who are accompanying a visitor with accessibility needs.
All access tours are available to accommodate groups visiting with any specific requests to the best of our ability. Please contact for more information.
Hearing devices are available for guests attending programs in the Norma Kershaw Auditorium. Contact for more information.
For Families

Families are welcome at the Bowers Museum and encouraged to take advantage of our free admission for children under 12 years old.
Bowers Family Scavenger Hunt offers a fun, interactive way for children to explore the galleries while learning. Pick up a copy at the admissions desk and collect a prize once completed!
Enjoy a special kids' menu at Tangata Restaurant upon request, limited to availability.
Changing tables are available in each restroom, male, female, and gender neutral, in our oversized stalls as indicated by a changing table decal on the door.
Baby strollers are permitted at all times in the permanent collection galleries. However, the use of strollers may be restricted in featured exhibition galleries due to certain loan restrictions and high visitor volume in these areas.
Download the Agents of Discovery App to explore the galleries in a fun new interactive way that’s fun for the entire family!